104 Whiteladies Road

104 Whiteladies Road, Bristol, Gloucestershire, BS8 2QQ
3,059 sq.ft (285 sq.m)
4 Units

Asset Manager

Property Details

Property located in the heart of Clifton, a popular and upscale district in Bristol City. Conveniently situated on the main high street, the location is walking distance from Clifton Down Railway Station.

This property is surrounded by various amenities, including restaurants, cafes and bars, making it an ideal location for those who love city living. Located within easy commuting distance lies the Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, the Bristol Aquarium and the University of Bristol.

The area also boasts several green spaces, such as Clifton Down and the Clifton Observatory and Caves, which provide breathtaking views of the city and the surrounding countryside.

Available Properties

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104 Whiteladies Road

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