Cadman Court

Birchfield Way, Telford, Shropshire, TF4 2FL
12,692 sq.ft (1,180 sq.m)
9 Units

Asset Manager

Property Details

Lawley Village comprises over 3,500 new homes on the outskirts of Telford in Shropshire.  Located at the junction of the A5233 (Lawley Drive) and the B5072 (West Centre Way) the village centre lies just 1 mile south of the M54 junction 6 and 1.2 miles west of Telford

Lawley Square comprises a 35,000 sqft Morrison's food store, a Marston's Pub/Restaurant and a range of retail units.

Current Tenants

Papa Johns

Available Properties

Sorry, but there are no properties currently available. For details of any available “off-market” opportunities, please contact the Asset Manager.

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For details of any available "off-market " opportunities, please contact Simon Eatough using the form below.

Cadman Court

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