Meynell Road Retail Park

Meynell Road Retail Park, Darlington, County Durham, DL3 0XZ
28,866 sq.ft (2,682 sq.m)
2 Units

Asset Manager

Property Details

Meynell Road Retail Park comprises two standalone properties. The B & M Home & Garden unit with rear compound was constructed in the mid-1980s and the McDonald’s drive through restaurant was completed in early 2015.

Goods loading for the B & M unit is via a separate access road to the north of the property.

The car park was resurfaced and floodlit in 2015 as part of the works to develop the new McDonald’s unit. There are 91 car parking spaces, reflecting a parking ratio of1:319 sq ft.

Current Tenants


Available Properties

Sorry, but there are no properties currently available. For details of any available “off-market” opportunities, please contact the Asset Manager.

Enquire about Meynell Road Retail Park

For details of any available "off-market " opportunities, please contact Martin Wade using the form below.

Meynell Road Retail Park

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